Day 26…Chalk Paint

    Even if you are not an Artist; you can chalk paint. Annie Sloan is the best paint but there are other brands almost as good or you can make your own.   You can take an old piece of furniture and give it a new face.  It is a transformer of trash to class.  I have chalked a chair, a table, a stool, an old wooden chest and a number of picture frames. It comes in many colors. You can crack the finish, seal it with a clear wax, or distress it with a dark wax.  Chalking is a relaxing form of creativity.   Start small, it’s addicting. People that chalk paint can be obnoxious because we talk about it way too much and compare techniques. The next time you have some spare time, don’t read, don’t write, CHALK IT UP!   This is not a slam on books or the pen; it’s just a change of expression. 

6 thoughts on “Day 26…Chalk Paint”

  1. Um. I’d like to see a picture? I’m all about any kind of paint, so you don’t have to sell me, but I’m super curious how it looks on furniture. Love the idea. Sold. I’ll chalk it all up. 🙂


    1. Google Annie Sloan….she does a great demonstration….then go to Goodwill and get a stool or chair…YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE TO STRIP IT. Chalk paint goes over anything. Then if you want to distress it; you sand some of it off. It’s so awesome.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have never heard of chalk paint. I wonder how it looks and why you find it so creative. I need something to make me feel creative- maybe it is just what I have been waiting for!


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