Day 6…”Goodwill” hunting.

Some people drive by “Goodwill” stores and think, why would I want someone else’s junk?  I was one of those doubters. But, I have a new respect for people that go to garage sales. flea markets and estate sales.   However, Goodwill stores have no dates, it’s open seven days a week.  I consider myself a bargain shopper, I rarely pay full price for anything. I’m a frequent shopper at  Ebay, TJMaxx, Nordstrom Rack, Homegoods and Crate and Barrel Outlet. I’m a firm believer in dented, bruised,  scraped, last years model, used, and buying off season.  What makes Goodwill stand alone?  It’s not seasonal, they have no rules. It is donated and some one finds it.. It is a bargain hunters dream….Take a friend, I can give you locations of the best ones. Have an open mind and think “hidden treasures.”. You will be amazed.  At the end of this “Writing Challenge”, I will include pics of my best finds.  Goodwill hunting!

7 thoughts on “Day 6…”Goodwill” hunting.”

  1. I find the best bargain at your favorite stores. I need to venture into Goodwill. I donate to Carson’s Goodwill Sale – which is happening this week. I wonder if I would come across some of my donated items at Goodwill.


  2. I love Goodwill, in fact, thrifting all together is one of my favorite things to do. Pass It On in Palos is a good stop. I’ve got the itch after reading this…looks like I’ll be making a stop this week!


  3. My friend calls it junking, in the most positive sense. We have a blast finding treasures. My sister has a friend who ran out of money on a condo remodel. She totally decorated with thrifted and garage sale items.


  4. Me too and please do! I was raised by a serial bargain hunter so it’s in my blood. That junk is eclectic and is where many trends go to die but also where creativity is encouraged. My best conversations stuff usually came from those stores. Plus, always allows for a gift on demand. You’re good at that.


  5. It’s amazing how many bargains you can find at Goodwill. My mom found a brand new set of 8 Dansk plates including the gravy bowl for only $50. One place setting was more than that at Carsons. You know what they say, another man’s junk, is another man’s treasure.


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