This is IT? Being Challenged.

I thought about quitting, I’m glad I didn’t.

I’m an immature writer but I learned a great deal from other writers.

I’ll use some of their techniques next year.

My 30 days:

Saying good bye to the old cabin/ Embracing the new build

I’m not a chef but I have All Clad pans…no Teflon for me.

Emma Lou (my grandchild) is the love of my life, she likes “cukcakes” and dancing with grandma in sunglasses.

I love a “Goodwill” shopping hunt; finding discarded treasures and giving back.

Chalk Painting  is a face lift for my new finds from Goodwill.

My 40 year old up-do started by frying the ends.

Pea Taster and Butt Inspector….made me Queen of the Green Giant Canning Company.

Purposeful Art is just following your heART.

I’ve been inspired by new yoga pants and ALIVE vitamins.

I have loyal friends.

My Ebay Blue Spruce arrived today; It’s 12 inches tall and thriving.

Laundry is not my sons forte,   I am an enabler.

I will finish my book “The Paper Bag” when I retire.

Sergio and I have found our “happy place” in the Art Room.

The End.




Day 30….The Dazzling Blue Spruce.

After Christmas, when I was doing all my bargain shopping,  I bought the “Grow a Tree”, genuine tree seed germination kit.  This 100% guaranteed  kit gives you ever thing you need. Just add water and sunshine.  I followed directions to the letter.  I bought good soil, it gets sun, water and love.  I’ve been watching since February, sometimes it takes 45 days. That has come and gone.  Today, I got a weed from my really good soil.  The weed is thriving in the sun. I hate to lose. Ebay is sending me a Baby Blue Spruce, just in case my seeds don’t germinate.  I am going to win.  It’s going to dazzle, that’s how I roll!

Day 28….Life long friends.

Met my friend for breakfast today.

She is 10 years younger.

We have boys the same age.

We have all grown up together.

She is a trust fund baby; I’m a teachers daughter.

She is married to a control freak, my husband is laid back.

She wears conservative golf clothes, I’m an artsy funky chick.

She has a Florida retreat, I have a cabin in Wisconsin.

Our boys went to grade school, high school, and University of Illinois together.

We have remained friends not because of our children.

We like each others company.

The kind of friend that sticks around because we work at it.

These are the best kind.




Day 27…Please pray for Joanne.

Hey, writing friends, I got that dreaded email that my friend in California was diagnose with pancreatic cancer.  I need your prayers for her.

We met freshman year in college, joined the same sorority and traveled Europe with backpacks after graduation.

I. Joanne Simmons is from LaFayette, Illinois. It’s in the middle of nowhere in downstate Illinois.  Less than 300 people, 21 in her graduating class, 3 boys, 2 were her cousins. After teaching in a River Town on the Mississippi; she and a friend drove to California for a different life. Joanne didn’t return to teaching but worked in an upscale shop in a hotel and became a partner in the store.   She is a gentle soul, the epitome of a healthy eater and a fitness nut.  So why her and what can I do to help? Please pray for her.

It started with a small sore on her navel; her doctor didn’t have a clue what it was so she went to a dermatologist who wasn’t sure but didn’t feel comfortable with her leaving without a biopsy. It came back as metastasized ….pancreatic cancer.  What kind of fairness is that? Please pray for her

She started Chemo the next day and is on a vengeance to beat this. I believe the Power of Prayer will help her too.    Please jump on my wagon..thanks.


Day 26…Chalk Paint

    Even if you are not an Artist; you can chalk paint. Annie Sloan is the best paint but there are other brands almost as good or you can make your own.   You can take an old piece of furniture and give it a new face.  It is a transformer of trash to class.  I have chalked a chair, a table, a stool, an old wooden chest and a number of picture frames. It comes in many colors. You can crack the finish, seal it with a clear wax, or distress it with a dark wax.  Chalking is a relaxing form of creativity.   Start small, it’s addicting. People that chalk paint can be obnoxious because we talk about it way too much and compare techniques. The next time you have some spare time, don’t read, don’t write, CHALK IT UP!   This is not a slam on books or the pen; it’s just a change of expression. 

Day 25…Do children need a pet?….


When I had my boys, I thought maybe they should have a pet. My husband and I both worked out of the house so a dog was out of the question. We are not cat people.  My oldest son wasn’t interested. so I thought maybe I missed the bullet.  When my youngest son brought up the pet thing, I said  “like what”…My friends all have hamsters!  Hmmmm? Feeling guilty and against my better judgment, I took him to PetSmart.    We bought the cutest “brown bear hamster”.  The whole package was over $100 but he was so happy.  The clerk said give him a couple days and then start interacting with him, holding, feeding by hand so he is comfortable.  On the fourth day, I said to Matt, you should try holding him so he is use to the person that is going to take care of him.  (that was the deal)   He held him and then said, ” I can’t stand the way his feet feel on my skin.” REALLY.!!! ” But don’t take him back, I’ll just watch him”.

So, mom, took care of buddy “the hamster” and Matt watched.  All of the “friend” hamster’s met their demise. But ours just kept right on for over 2 years…I came home from school one day and Matt and his day had just buried Buddy in the back yard.  Matt made a sign “best pet ever”.   Sometimes, watching is enough.

Day 24..Mother Nature is on a roll.

In celebration of the Easter weekend, I wore sandals.  I painted my toes and let me feet breathe out of boots.  It was raining but I didn’t care, I knew it would let up and moderate. Not so much.  I travel to another school  during the day. So at lunch, I waded through 2 inches of ice cold rain  in my really cute sandals to my car.  It didn’t matter, in a couple hours, I’m on vacation.

The drive home was uneventful but the temp was dropping; What could that mean?   I brought all my bags into the house and relaxed. As a gazed out of my kitchen window, my forsythia bushes were in full bloom.  This is definitely Spring.  Within the next twenty minutes it rained, sleeted and snowed huge flakes.  The sun peeked through the clouds but only for a minute. Mother Nature, you never cease to amaze me.  Tomorrow, I’m going to wear sandals. Why?   I’m on vacation.

Day 23..How did I get a teaching job?

Can you say being in the right place at the right time?  I loved college so much, I stayed.  I became house mother for my sorority and student taught in a local town.  A teacher had just passed away and I was subbing for her. The principal, Mr. Crum walked in and ask me to tell the class about their teacher dying  and I would be her replacement. I said no that was his responsibility,  but” thank you for the job”.  After 3 years, I moved to Michigan and needed a job again.  Right before school started, an Art teacher resigned her position and they were desperate.  Mr. DeYoung was holding my resume and asked me to interview.  ( I was leaving 1st grade to take on High School Art)  After 5 minutes, he said; I was hired and it was going to be fine and would I also coach the Freshman Cheerleaders?  I said, ” thank you for the job”.  I taught High School Art for 2 years and then moved back to Illinois. There was  no teaching job in sight.   I had a friend that was a traveling Speech teacher and she was sure that the rumor in the teacher’s lounge was that the art teacher met a great guy in a Piano bar (her friend, the music teacher was the pianist) downtown Chicago.  I called the Assistant Superintendent and asked if I could apply for the Art Position. He said he didn’t have one and I said, I think you do; she had already moved to California and was calling in sick.  Sure enough, he called me back. I was hired. Thank goodness for love at first sight.   The third time was the charm. I’ve been here for 35 years.  It pays to be in the right place at the right time. THIS IS IT!

Day 22…Looking for some “fluff”.

  Spring break is right around the corner. We get a teaser with Easter but the real break is April 1st after school till April 10th.  I’m on vacation for 10 days!  During this time, I read FLUFF and I’m in a rut.  I have special authors for two moods, James Patterson for an easy read of suspense and thrills.  My other guy  is Dean Koontz for the scary, dark and creepy mood.   So today’s slice is reaching out to my new writing friends for a new author.  Keep in mind, I’m on vacation.  I WANT FLUFF.  Please share your choices and no crying books allowed.  🙂  Don’t judge me today, it’s a cheap slice.